I light the third Advent candle with the inhabitants of Muuga (Maardu), where many of my like-minded people live. I think that Muuga should receive more attention and care today. Happy Holidays!
vice-mayor of Lüganuse, Mayor of Johvi 2019-2020, Mayor of Mustvee 2013-2017, vice-mayor of Maardu 2005-2006, PhD
Monday, December 14, 2020
Monday, December 7, 2020
I light the second Advent candle with the residents of Lasnamäe
I light the second Advent candle with the residents of Lasnamäe, where my legendary boss, Edgar Savisaar, won 40,000 votes in the elections! Happy holidays to everyone!
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
I light the first Advent candle in a suburb of Tallinn with the townspeople of Maardu
I light the first Advent candle in a suburb of Tallinn with the townspeople of Maardu, where I worked as a vice-mayor in the team of the legendary mayor Bystrov. I wish you all happy holidays
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Meie Jimmy Carter 96!
Nobeli rahupreemia laureaat, endine USA president Jimmy Carter tähistab oma 96. sünnipäeva. Soliidne iga ekspresidendi jaoks, tõstab aga et mees on tõeliselt vitaalne. Üllatuslikult 1976 . aastal demokraatide kandidaadiks valitud maapähklifarmer, suutis oma sarmiga presidenditooli ära võtta fantastiliste poliitiliste sidemetega Gerald Fordilt. Carter loomulikult tegeles põllumajandusettevõtlusega ja oli piisavalt edukalt, kuid loomulikult tema ambitsioonid oli ammu suuremad. Nimelt on ta mereväeakadeemia lõpetanud tuumaallveelaeva ohvitser, üks esimesi USAs, neid õpetati välja aga väga põhjalikult. Oma koduosariigis, Georgias, lasi ta end valida osariigi Senatisse ning saavutas lõpuks enda valimise Georgia kuberneriks, tai jäi ühe ametiaja kuberneriks. Tema presidendiks saamine oli sensatsioon. Pole imestada, et teda huvitasid desarmeerimisküsimused, kuna ta teemat tundis. Nõukogude Liidu liider , marssal Leonid Brežnev oli samuti huvitatud desarmeerimisest, et tõsta maailmas oma prestiiži. Carteri riigisekretär Cyrus Vance, nagu tuleb välja Mitrohhini arhiivist (KGB vanemohvitser Mitrohhin toimetas 90-aastatel Läände nõukogude välisluure arhiivi ), oli mõnda aega tihedas sidmes nõukogude luurajatega ning seetõttu läksid asjad libedalt. 1979 Viinis kirjutasid mehed alla SALT II leppele.
Õnnetuseks läksid pärast seda asjad allamäge. Nõukogude Liidu invasioon Afganistani tegi lõpu USA presidendivalimiste aastal edukalt arenenud USA ja Nõukogude Liidu suhetele. USA alustas Moskva olümpiamängude ja Tallinna olümpia purjeregatti boikotti.
Kuid isegi siis ei arvanud keegi, et Carter kaotab Reaganile, kes tundus äärmusparempoolsena, kuid kes seda muidugi polnud. Reagan oli küll veendunud antikommunist, kuid Donald Trump on võrreldes temaga tõesti oma vaadete poolest tunduvalt värvikam.
Carter pidigi jääma pensionile. Ometi tõi saatus ta kätte Nobeli rahupreemia. Ja ehk tema oli tõesti see mees, kes seda vääris. Ta võitles desarmeerimise eest, rahu eest Lähis-idas, oli järeleandmatu süümevangide osas ning inimõiguste eest seismisel laiemalt. Ehk on Jumal talle pikki aastaid kinkinud just seepärast.
Monday, June 1, 2020
Edgar Savisaar 70
31.05.2020 we together with the deputies of the Jõhvi Municipality visited Edgar Savisaar at the farm of Hundisilma To congratulate him on his 70th anniversary Me and myself, being an assistant to Edgar Savisaar, From time to time lived in Hundisilma, And I am pleased to recall the years that have brought Estonia freedom and prosperity. Prime Minister, leader of the Popular Front, Mayor of Tallinn - wherever the yubilar worked, everywhere he left his mark. Health and happiness to you, our Edgar!
Monday, January 20, 2020
Our Academician 97
Estonian academician Mikhail Bronstein celebrates his 97th anniversary on the 23 of January. Academician Bronstein is one of those intellectuals from St. Petersburg who came to Estonia as a lecturer and made a career in Estonia that perhaps would have been impossible in conservative Soviet centres. His contribution in raising our elite has been invaluable. Therefore, it is logical that Bronstein also contributed much to the process of restoring Estonia's independence by supporting his former students.
Bronstein is the economist who reached Gorbachev's adviser’s status. It is he who owns the idea of agro-industrial complexes, which Mikhail Gorbachev, who had just reached the top of the Kremlin Olympus at the time, put forward. There is no doubt that this activity supported Gorbachev's movement to become a leader of an empire and changed the course of world history.
The vitality of academician Bronstein has been astonishing. He was literally a teacher to President Lennart Meri, Prime Minister Andrus Ansip and many others. Bronstein is also an honorary supervisor of my doctoral thesis, which I defended in St. Petersburg. Mikhail Bronstein has not yet said his last word, congratulations grand old man of Estonian science!
Sunday, January 12, 2020
My Viktoria’s 24
On January 12, 2020, my daughter Victoria turned 24. As a father, I am happy because Viktoria is talented and beautiful, just like her grandmother, prima ballerina Larissa Kaur, to whom she is very similar. Viktoria is studying at the Estonian Academy of Arts.
I am delighted that Viktoria was among the organizers of the concert held for the 101st anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Estonia.
Congratulations, Viktoria, my daughter! (photographed: father and daughter at the Estonian National Opera in 2018).
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